Archives for August 2010

Jason Playing with Trains

It’s been some time since we posted a video of Jason. For a while, every time we tried to take a video, he would want to hold the camera. Recently, when we start recording he runs away laughing.

The following are three attempts at making a video of Jason playing with trains. The last one concludes with Jason’s current favorite word, “Don’t!”


Jason has been a wonderful brother to Robert. They are separated in age by two years and ten days.

Jason is considerate to Robert’s smaller size and the attention that we give him as the new baby. Jason will share toys with Robert, although sometimes he will need to try out the new toys first. Jason explains to Robert what “Top Hat” and Thomas are doing and tells him the names of the other trains. If one of the two is crying, the other will often join in sympathy. If Robert is tired during a car ride, Jason will sing to him in made-up words until he falls asleep.

Below are two recent pictures of Jason and Robert together. The last picture is Jason with his new haircut!

Jason and Robert Sleeping

Jason and Robert at Muscott Farm

Jason's new haircut