Archives for May 2010

Jason in the Rain Forest

Lately, Jason has wanted to try out some of Robert’s things.

As soon as he saw us bring out the Rain Forest Play Mat, he immediately wanted lay down there, play the music, and play with the butterflies and the horse (giraffe). He also spent the next few days playing cars on the mat.

(You can also see Robert in the rain forest at

jason in the rainforest

The following week, Jason wanted to lay down in Robert’s stroller. He ended up playing there for about an hour. Both occasions made for some nice pictures!

Jason in stroller

Jason’s New Bed

Last weekend Jason got a new “big boy” bed, so his little brother Robert could use his crib.

Jason was immediately excited about his toddler bed and has been sleeping there without any problems for the past week.

Below is a picture of Jason asleep in his new bed. I showed Jason the picture and he said, “Jason lay down new bed.”

In separate news, Jason’s little brother Robert now has his own website at! Check out the new site at